












①born to make you happy/britney spears(ブリトニースピアーズ)

Britney Spears – Born To Make You Happy
Britney Spears' official music video for 'Born To Make You Happy'. Click to listen to Britney Spears on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/BritneySpot?IQid=BritneyHa As featured on …Baby One More Time. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/britneyBabyiTunes?IQid=BritneyHa Google Play: http://smarturl.it/BritneyBMHPlay?IQid=BritneyHa Amazon: http://smarturl.it/BritneyBabyAmz?IQid=BritneyHa More from Britney Spears Criminal: https://youtu.be/s6b33PTbGxk I Wanna Go: https://youtu.be/T-sxSd1uwoU Hold It Against Me: https://youtu.be/-Edv8Onsrgg Follow Britney Spears Website: http://www.britneyspears.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/britneyspears Twitter: https://twitter.com/britneyspears Instagram: https://instagram.com/britneyspears Tumblr: http://britneyspears.tumblr.com/ Subscribe to Britney Spears on YouTube: http://smarturl.it/BritneySub?IQid=BritneyHa More great noughties videos here: http://smarturl.it/Ultimate00?IQid=BritneyHa ——— Lyrics: Oh, my love Oh, yeah yeah Oh, yeah I'm sitting here alone up in my room I'm thinking about the times that we've been through Oh, my love I'm looking at a picture in my hand Trying my best to understand I really want to know what we did wrong With a love that felt so strong If only you were here tonight I know that we could make it right I don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happy 'Cause you're the only one up in my heart I was born to make you happy Always and forever, you and me That's the way our life should be I don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happy

Britney Spears - Born To Make You Happy

【…Baby one more time】からの一曲。この時のブリちゃんthe アイドルでした。


②so emotional/christina aguilera(クリスティーナアギレラ)

Christina Aguilera – So Emotional
Christina Aguilera's official video for 'So Emotional'. Click to listen to Christina Aguilera on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/ChristinaAspot?IQid=XtinaSE As featured on Christina Aguilera. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/XtinaCAiTunes?IQid=XtinaSE Google Play: http://smarturl.it/XtinaSEplay?IQid=XtinaSE Amazon: http://smarturl.it/XtinaCAamz?IQid=XtinaSE More from Christina Aguilera What A Girl Wants: https://youtu.be/hpspGHeLOPE Express: https://youtu.be/ZhiTB3N8ous Pero Me Acuerdo De Tí: https://youtu.be/-hMC8pQkEmk Follow Christina Aguilera Website: http://www.christinaaguilera.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christinaaguilera Twitter: https://twitter.com/XTINA Instagram: https://instagram.com/xtina/ Subscribe to Christina Aguilera on YouTube: http://smarturl.it/xtinasub?IQid=XtinaSE More great Ultimate Hits of the Noughties videos here: http://smarturl.it/Ultimate00?IQid=XtinaSE ——— Lyrics: You make me feel so emotional So emotional, so emotional It's either black or white that's right We're makin' love or we're in a fight Sometimes you make me so blue Oh, but then it feels so good, I knew it would You do the things that make me crazy I want to give it to you, oh yes You make me feel so emotional I can't let go I'm so emotional I'm sinking fast into an ocean full of you Oh, I'm so emotional

Christina Aguilera - So Emotional

【Christina Aguilera】からの一曲。本当に歌上手。shoutのところが好きなんです。


③body party/ciara(シアラ)

Ciara – Body Party
Ciara's official music video for 'Body Party'. Click to listen to Ciara on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/CiaraSpot?IQid=CiaraBP As featured on Ciara. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/CiaraA?IQid=CiaraBP Google Play: http://smarturl.it/CBPGPlay?IQid=CiaraBP Amazon: http://smarturl.it/CiaraAmazon?IQid=CiaraBP More from Ciara Dance Like We're Making Love: https://youtu.be/Fw_crqWYBCM I'm Out: https://youtu.be/1-TTNdyIMAE Sorry: https://youtu.be/_DLA8Be7P9w More great Hip Hop videos here: http://smarturl.it/HipHopUrban?IQid=CiaraBP Follow Ciara Website: http://onlyciara.com/ccmag/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ciaramusic Twitter: https://twitter.com/ciara Instagram: https://instagram.com/ciara Subscribe to Ciara on YouTube: http://smarturl.it/CiaraSub?IQid=CiaraBP ——— Lyrics: Yeah, right there No, right there I was having fun I hope you're having fun too My body is your party, baby Nobody's invited but you baby I can do it slow now, tell me what you want Baby put your phone down, you should turn it off Cause tonight it's going down, tell your boys it's going down We in the zone now, don't stop You can't keep your hands off me, touch me right there, rock my body I can't keep my hands off you, your body is my party I'm doing this little dance for you You got me so excited Now it's just me and you Your body's my party, let's get it started

Ciara - Body Party



④white flag/dido(ダイド)

Dido – White Flag (Official Video)
Dido's official music video for 'White Flag'. Click to listen to Dido on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/DidoSpotify1?IQid=DidoWF As featured on Greatest Hits. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/DidoGHiTunes?IQid=DidoWF GooglePlay: http://smarturl.it/DidoWFPlay?IQid=DidoWF Amazon: http://smarturl.it/DidoGHAmazon?IQid=DidoWF Stream more music from Dido here: http://smarturl.it/DidoMulti?IQid=DidoWF More from Dido Thank You: https://youtu.be/1TO48Cnl66w Life For Rent: https://youtu.be/OFtNChII78k Here With Me: https://youtu.be/PSu5nAQ7uZw More great 00's videos here: http://smarturl.it/Ultimate00?IQid=DidoWF Follow Dido Website: http://www.didomusic.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dido Twitter: http://twitter.com/didoofficial Instagram: http://instagram.com/dido/ Tumblr: http://dido.tumblr.com Subscribe to Dido on YouTube: http://smarturl.it/DidoSubscribe?IQid=DidoWF ——— Lyrics: I know you think that I shouldn't still love you, Or tell you that. But if I didn't say it, well I'd still have felt it where's the sense in that? I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder Or return to where we were I will go down with this ship And I won't put my hands up and surrender There will be no white flag above my door I'm in love and always will be

Dido - White Flag (Official Video)

【Life for rent】からの一曲。この曲は本当によく聴きました。哀愁あるかんじもまた良い。


⑤every time/janet jackson(ジャネットジャクソン)

【Velvet Rope】からの一曲。文句なしで歌、上手です。この方も生で拝んでみたい。


⑥so in love feat.Anthony Hamilton/jill scott(ジルストッコ)

Jill Scott – So In Love (feat. Anthony Hamilton)
http://totaleclipsemag.com Jill Scott, so many words have been used to describe this beautiful and talented artist, but anyone who has heard her sing knows there is no concise way to accurately define her mesmerizing voice and savvy style. It's great to be able to share her with the Total Eclipse Magazine audience…. Enjoy … and please feel free to post your comments. Calling All Artists!!… Find out how to get your story told in the fastest growing Entertainment Magazine in the World …. Total Eclipse Magazine's Music Editor would love to shine the spotlight on You! Just email Sky at sky.keese@totaleclipsemag.com You could find yourself in the next issue… http://TotalEclipseMag.com

Jill Scott - So In Love (feat. Anthony Hamilton)

【light of the sun】からの一曲。アップルのCMで流れましたね。


⑦Heaven Sent/Keyshia Cole(キーシャコール)

Keyshia Cole – Heaven Sent
Music video by Keyshia Cole performing Heaven Sent. (C) 2008 Geffen Records

Keyshia Cole - Heaven Sent

【Just like you】からの一曲。個人的にはこの曲が好き。



LeToya – Torn
Official video of LeToya performing Torn from the album LeToya. Buy It Here: http://smarturl.it/ix000h The video for "Torn" was directed by Chris Robinson Follow LeToya on Twitter: https://twitter.com/letoyaluckett Official Website: http://www.letoyaonline.com/

LeToya - Torn

destiny’s childのメンバーの一人。


⑨Goin’ Crazy/Natalie(ナタリー)

Natalie – Goin' Crazy
Music video by Natalie performing Goin' Crazy. (C) 2005 Universal Records a division of UMG Recordings Inc.

Natalie - Goin' Crazy



⑩2 become 1/Spicegirls(スパイスガールズ)

Spice Girls – 2 Become 1
Music video by Spice Girls performing 2 Become 1.

Spice Girls - 2 Become 1






 - music

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